
Buttermilk Refrigerator Rolls

… Or, “Babies’ Bums” 🤗

Yields: 2 square pans of buns.

In a large mixing bowl, combine:

1/2 cup warm water

1/2 tsp sugar

2 & 1/4 tsp dry yeast

Let the mixture sit for a few minutes, to begin to foam.


1/2 cup melted butter

2 cups buttermilk, warmed slightly

Separately, combine:

4.5 cups all-purpose flour

1/4 cup sugar

4 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp baking soda

The flour mixture can be added to the liquid ingredients by hand, but using a mixer with a dough hook is fast & easy! Add the flour as the mixer is working. Continue mixing until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl and forms a ball (add a bit more flour if needed; I usually need 1/2 cup more). Remove the dough hook and, with lightly floured hands, shape the dough into a ball, kneading slightly if necessary. The dough will be lovely & soft, but should not be sticky. Spray the mixing bowl & return the dough to the bowl (no need to wash it). Spray the top of the dough, and cover it with plastic wrap. ***

If baking right away, let the dough rise for about an hour (this isn’t necessary … the dough can be worked with right away, but if you have time, it is good!) Spray your baking pan/s and twist off small balls of dough. Using your fingers “fold” the dough edges under the ball until a smooth roll forms (about 5 folds?). Place the roll into the prepared pan: 16 small rolls will fit in one square pan; if your rolls are bigger, maybe 12/square pan; etc…

If you find the dough is sticking to your fingers, grease them with a bit of soft butter.

Again, rising is not necessary, but if you have time, cover the pan lightly with a tea towel & let rise in a warm place for 30 mins.

Brush the tops of the rolls generously with melted butter.

Bake on a low oven rack, at 350°, for about 25-30 mins, or until the rolls are light golden brown.

Remove from the oven, and let sit for a few minutes before removing them from the pan to finish cooling.

*** The great thing about this dough is that you can cover it, at this point, and refrigerate the dough for up to a week, before continuing! Just shape as many buns as you want to bake, and let them rise for 30 mins, before baking as per the rest of the recipe. The remainder of the dough can go back into the fridge.

By joannekerr

A ponderer and a putterer.
Pastor's wife.
Mother of 4, who have in turn expanded our family to 15 and counting💕
Grateful for dear friends and family.

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